Do You Think High Yield Investment Plans Are Scams?

By Markus Skupeika

Ask any experienced investor and the first thing you would hear from them is that high yield investment programs are scams. Do not utter the name of the company you are talking about, the reaction will be the same.

Just think about yourself; won’t you warn your friends with the same word – scam!

Just think twice – how big is big enough and still realizable?

Look around and you will definitely find some real high yield investment program where the parameter of being high is determined within the limitations of reality.

Anyone who is willing continue the same lifestyle after retirement cannot count only on company sponsored retirement plans. They must invest their money wisely so that the invested amount works as hard as they do to yield a better figure after retirement.


Survey says the more than 50% of all Americans have an IRA. And most of them are making such high yield investments mainly to lead the same lifestyle or a secured life after retirement. They do not want to depend on the company sponsored pension plan and social security to lead their retired life.

People of America had always been conscious about their retired life and for last 10 or twelve years they are taking a few extra steps to invest their money. However, a lot of people still do not understand how to plan for retirement.

Here is a regular retirement guide that is used by some average people – those who do not know the potential of gradually saved amount.

It all depends on how many years do you have until you plan for a glorious retirement? If your present age is 25 and you want to retire at 65, you have 40 years to invest on your retirement plan.

Now find out the disposable amount you have every month – something that you can save. At the same time make an estimate of how much of liquid cash you want to have after retirement. Now use any retirement calculator to find out how much you need to save every month to get that amount.

This is good enough for those who are ready to live within a fixed income throughout their retired life. In this process you need to almost diminish your optional expenses. However, you are sure to run in this process, invest on creating some assets (for example real estate) other than pension amount so that you have something to rely on in future.

However, did you notice one thing! In this process you get almost the amount you have saved for 40 years as your retirement amount. They simply yielded some gross interest and did not work up to their full potential. There could be a huge difference if only you walked a few steps to talk to a financial planner or joined an investment club to find out a better way to use your savings.

With some minor help from your investment advisor you could not only invest the amount on some profitable project, you could also gain huge tax-exempt on your savings or earning. They can help you to roll your money so that you get a handsome retirement amount without working extra. Your money would have earned extra for you.

So think twice before your next investment – all high yield investment programs are not scams.

About the Author: Are you looking for a direct participation mortgage fund that is safe for you to invest in? Find out where are the private mortgage investors are heading to invest their time and cash for a safe return on investment.


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