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A new Director for the 37th edition of Bocconi s Full-Time MBA
Public Relations
Gianmario Verona is the new Director of the SDA Bocconi
Full-Time MBA
Program. Verona, who succeeds Valter Lazzari, is Full Professor of Management at Bocconi s Department of Management and Technology and
Professor of Marketing.
He is also pro tempore Director of the PhD in Business Administration and Management, which he has been managing since 2008. Furthermore, Verona is a Visiting Professor in Business Administration at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, and is Deputy Editor of the SDA Bocconi magazine Economia & Management.On Monday 3rd October 2011, Director Verona, along with Alberto Grando, Dean, Andrea Gasparri, Managing Director, Lucia Benedetti, Operations Manager Masters Division, Riccardo Monti, Senior Partner & Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group, Italy – Vice President, BAA, and MBA Staff and Faculty, greeted the new
Full-Time MBA
Class of 2012 – MBA 37 which includes 104 talented individuals from 34 nationalities, ready to embark on a challenging and rewarding one-year MBA journey.
SDA Bocconi MBA
is an intensive full-time program in general management, ranked among the top international MBAs, which combines rigorous academic knowledge with the relevance of managerial experience and business-oriented approach, innovation with creativity and the richness of Italian heritage. Every year the Program attracts hundreds of talented professionals from about 30 different countries, with widely varied backgrounds, diverse interests and experiences and no single industry dominating.
A full immersion in a truly international environment, where students work closely together for 12 months and create a network of relations worldwide, while feeling a personal attention from faculty and career coaches, and where contacts with an international and diverse pool of recruiters and the job market are constantly pursued throughout the entire period of study.
Particular emphasis is given to In-company Projects (both Individual Internships and Group Projects), where students, supported by tutors, apply to the field what they have learnt in class. Most students choose to take the entire
at SDA Bocconi in Milano, but some can apply for the Exchange Program option and, if selected, spend the final 3 or 4 months of their
at one of over thirty prestigious business school partners located all around the world.
SDA Bocconi is Italy\’s number one School of Management and now, according to the Financial Times\’ Global
Rankings 2011, the only Italian School in the European top 10 and the world\’s top 30: in fact, its
gains four places in Europe, rising to the 10th position, and ten in the world, reaching 28th place. SDA Bocconi is also the only Italian School on the top of the charts of all main International Rankings. SDA Bocconi has started 2011 by placing first in the world in the Bloomberg Businessweek Ranking for Full-Time
Return On Investment, and ended 2010 reaching the 17th position in the Financial Times Best European Business Rankings, gaining seven positions, as well as entering the top 20 in the general Bloomberg Businessweek Ranking (18th position in the world, United States excluded). In addition, SDA Bocconi reached 5th position in Europe in the QS Top
Ranking based on the assessments of Recruiters.
MBA at SDA Bocconi
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